• Company Profiles

    IRIS maintains a database of listed companies as well as information on financial institutions, fund management and private investment companies.

    IRIS Company Profile is an easy one page summary on all listed companies presenting at IRIS Events. We disseminate these IRIS Profiles to potential investors eg. capital markets participants, especially those that have operations in Shanghai. If you are presenting your company at IRIS Events, you will have access to our information on these financial institutions.

    This means that when you meet a prospective fund manager, you can easily find out about the fund management company and likewise, the fund manager can easily find out more about you and your listed company.

    CURRENT IRIS PROFILES: Resources | Energy | Financial Institutions (Contact Us)


    To be listed in our database of IRIS Profiles, please fill in the form below:

    Note: Please allow one week for processing. We will send a confirmatory email upon successful listing in our database.